Contributing to Chrome DevTools

There are many ways you can improve the productivity of your fellow developers. That could be by sharing what you know or helping out with documenting features or writing a patch to improve the tools we all use.

How can you help?

Aside from contributing to the source code for DevTools, all of the following are different ways you could help contribute:

  • Documentation authoring: The source for legacy documentation and the docs are on GitHub. Contributions are always welcome.
  • Share what you've learned: Share what you've learned via GIFs, Vines or construction paper
  • Coverage of new experimental features
  • Designing improved UX for all parts of DevTools: Your ideas on the design and UX are quite welcome.
  • Issue triage & management: View all open DevTools tickets. Ask for reductions when appropriate or provide them yourself.
  • Working on features or bugs: The codebase is just JavaScript and the contribution guide below can get you started quickly

Keeping up-to-date

The DevTools team values feedback from developers using the tools. To follow an issue, star it and you'll get emails for all updates. If you really want to stay in the loop, you can subscribe to bug lists at crbug by logging in and going to Saved Queries. You can then subscribe to all DevTools tickets with this query: component:Platform>DevTools

Contributing to DevTools source code

The Chrome DevTools are actually a web app written in JavaScript and CSS. If you're familiar with these technologies, you know enough to write a patch. A few folks have already done this, giving us a colorpicker, a file picker and other features, all contributed by developers just like you.

Revised Contribution Guide for Chrome DevTools

IRC channel on Freenode: #chrome-devtools

The old contributing guide is available here.