
The following basic samples demonstrate how to use the Chrome Web Store Licensing API. Each sample app obtains the user's OpenID identifier (as described in Identifying the User) and makes an OAuth request with it to the Licensing API (as described in Checking for Payment) to determine whether the user has paid for the app.


A sample Java app that runs on Google App Engine and takes advantage of App Engine's native OpenID support. To enable OAuth signing, this app uses the OAuth Signpost library.

This sample is featured in the Licensing API tutorial.

You can browse the source, download all the files, or see the app in action:


A sample Python app that runs on Google App Engine and takes advantage of App Engine's native OpenID support. To enable OAuth signing, this app uses the Python OAuth2 library.

You can browse the source or download all the files:


A sample PHP app that uses the LightOpenId and OAuth for PHP libraries.

You can browse the source, download all the files, or see the app in action:

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