
Description: Use the chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow API to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of the inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of resources within the page.
Availability: Since Chrome 35.

Use chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of resources within the page.

See DevTools APIs summary for general introduction to using Developer Tools APIs.


The tabId property provides the tab identifier that you can use with the chrome.tabs.* API calls. However, please note that chrome.tabs.* API is not exposed to the Developer Tools extension pages due to security considerations — you will need to pass the tab ID to the background page and invoke the chrome.tabs.* API functions from there.

The reload method may be used to reload the inspected page. Additionally, the caller can specify an override for the user agent string, a script that will be injected early upon page load, or an option to force reload of cached resources.

Use the getResources call and the onResourceContent event to obtain the list of resources (documents, stylesheets, scripts, images etc) within the inspected page. The getContent and setContent methods of the Resource class along with the onResourceContentCommitted event may be used to support modification of the resource content, for example, by an external editor.

Executing Code in the Inspected Window

The eval method provides the ability for extensions to execute JavaScript code in the context of the inspected page. This method is powerful when used in the right context and dangerous when used inappropriately. Use the tabs.executeScript method unless you need the specific functionality that the eval method provides.

Here are the main differences between the eval and tabs.executeScript methods:

  • The eval method does not use an isolated world for the code being evaluated, so the JavaScript state of the inspected window is accessible to the code. Use this method when access to the JavaScript state of the inspected page is required.
  • The execution context of the code being evaluated includes the Developer Tools console API. For example, the code can use inspect and $0.
  • The evaluated code may return a value that is passed to the extension callback. The returned value has to be a valid JSON object (it may contain only primitive JavaScript types and acyclic references to other JSON objects). Please observe extra care while processing the data received from the inspected page — the execution context is essentially controlled by the inspected page; a malicious page may affect the data being returned to the extension.

Important: Due to the security considerations explained above, the tabs.executeScript method is the preferred way for an extension to access DOM data of the inspected page in cases where the access to JavaScript state of the inspected page is not required.

Note that a page can include multiple different JavaScript execution contexts. Each frame has its own context, plus an additional context for each extension that has content scripts running in that frame.

By default, the eval method executes in the context of the main frame of the inspected page.

The eval method takes an optional second argument that you can use to specify the context in which the code is evaluated. This options object can contain one or more of the following keys:

Use to specify a frame other than the inspected page's main frame.
Use to select a context within the specified frame according to its web origin.
If true, execute the script in the same context as the extensions's content scripts. (Equivalent to specifying the extensions's own web orgin as the context security origin.) This can be used to exchange data with the content script.


The following code checks for the version of jQuery used by the inspected page:

           function(result, isException) {
             if (isException)
               console.log("the page is not using jQuery");
               console.log("The page is using jQuery v" + result);

You can find more examples that use Developer Tools APIs in Samples.


eval chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval(string expression, object options, function callback)
reload chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.reload(object reloadOptions)
getResources chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.getResources(function callback)



A resource within the inspected page, such as a document, a script, or an image.
string url

The URL of the resource.



Resource.getContent(function callback)

Gets the content of the resource.

function callback

A function that receives resource content when the request completes.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string content, string encoding) {...};
string content

Content of the resource (potentially encoded).

string encoding

Empty if the content is not encoded, encoding name otherwise. Currently, only base64 is supported.


Resource.setContent(string content, boolean commit, function callback)

Sets the content of the resource.

string content

New content of the resource. Only resources with the text type are currently supported.

boolean commit

True if the user has finished editing the resource, and the new content of the resource should be persisted; false if this is a minor change sent in progress of the user editing the resource.

function (optional) callback

A function called upon request completion.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(object error) {...};
object (optional) error

Set to undefined if the resource content was set successfully; describes error otherwise.


integer chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId The ID of the tab being inspected. This ID may be used with chrome.tabs.* API.



chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval(string expression, object options, function callback)

Evaluates a JavaScript expression in the context of the main frame of the inspected page. The expression must evaluate to a JSON-compliant object, otherwise an exception is thrown. The eval function can report either a DevTools-side error or a JavaScript exception that occurs during evaluation. In either case, the result parameter of the callback is undefined. In the case of a DevTools-side error, the isException parameter is non-null and has isError set to true and code set to an error code. In the case of a JavaScript error, isException is set to true and value is set to the string value of thrown object.

string expression

An expression to evaluate.

object (optional) options

Since Chrome 38.

The options parameter can contain one or more options.

string (optional) frameURL

If specified, the expression is evaluated on the iframe whose URL matches the one specified. By default, the expression is evaluated in the top frame of the inspected page.

boolean (optional) useContentScriptContext

Evaluate the expression in the context of the content script of the calling extension, provided that the content script is already injected into the inspected page. If not, the expression is not evaluated and the callback is invoked with the exception parameter set to an object that has the isError field set to true and the code field set to E_NOTFOUND.

string (optional) contextSecurityOrigin

Evaluate the expression in the context of a content script of an extension that matches the specified origin. If given, contextSecurityOrigin overrides the 'true' setting on userContentScriptContext.

function (optional) callback

A function called when evaluation completes.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(object result, object exceptionInfo) {...};
object result

The result of evaluation.

object exceptionInfo

An object providing details if an exception occurred while evaluating the expression.

boolean isError

Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is evaluated.

string code

Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is evaluated.

string description

Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is evaluated.

array of any details

Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is evaluated, contains the array of the values that may be substituted into the description string to provide more information about the cause of the error.

boolean isException

Set if the evaluated code produces an unhandled exception.

string value

Set if the evaluated code produces an unhandled exception.


chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.reload(object reloadOptions)

Reloads the inspected page.

object (optional) reloadOptions
boolean (optional) ignoreCache

When true, the loader will bypass the cache for all inspected page resources loaded before the load event is fired. The effect is similar to pressing Ctrl+Shift+R in the inspected window or within the Developer Tools window.

string (optional) userAgent

If specified, the string will override the value of the User-Agent HTTP header that's sent while loading the resources of the inspected page. The string will also override the value of the navigator.userAgent property that's returned to any scripts that are running within the inspected page.

string (optional) injectedScript

If specified, the script will be injected into every frame of the inspected page immediately upon load, before any of the frame's scripts. The script will not be injected after subsequent reloads—for example, if the user presses Ctrl+R.


chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.getResources(function callback)

Retrieves the list of resources from the inspected page.

function callback

A function that receives the list of resources when the request completes.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of Resource resources) {...};
array of Resource resources

The resources within the page.



Fired when a new resource is added to the inspected page.


chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.onResourceAdded.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Resource resource) {...};
Resource resource


Fired when a new revision of the resource is committed (e.g. user saves an edited version of the resource in the Developer Tools).


chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.onResourceContentCommitted.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Resource resource, string content) {...};
Resource resource
string content

New content of the resource.