Description: The namespace contains common types used by APIs dispatching events to notify you when something interesting happens.
Availability: Since Chrome 35.

An Event is an object that allows you to be notified when something interesting happens. Here's an example of using the chrome.alarms.onAlarm event to be notified whenever an alarm has elapsed:

      chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function(alarm) {
        appendToLog('alarms.onAlarm --'
                    + ' name: '          +
                    + ' scheduledTime: ' + alarm.scheduledTime);

As the example shows, you register for notification using addListener(). The argument to addListener() is always a function that you define to handle the event, but the parameters to the function depend on which event you're handling. Checking the documentation for alarms.onAlarm, you can see that the function has a single parameter: an alarms.Alarm object that has details about the elapsed alarm.

Example APIs using Events: alarms, app.runtime, app.window, i18n, identity, runtime. Most chrome APIs do.





Description of a declarative rule for handling events.
string (optional) id

Optional identifier that allows referencing this rule.

array of string (optional) tags

Tags can be used to annotate rules and perform operations on sets of rules.

array of any conditions

List of conditions that can trigger the actions.

array of any actions

List of actions that are triggered if one of the conditions is fulfilled.

integer (optional) priority

Optional priority of this rule. Defaults to 100.


An object which allows the addition and removal of listeners for a Chrome event.


Event.addListener(function callback)

Registers an event listener callback to an event.

function callback

Called when an event occurs. The parameters of this function depend on the type of event.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


Event.removeListener(function callback)

Deregisters an event listener callback from an event.

function callback

Listener that shall be unregistered.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


boolean Event.hasListener(function callback)
function callback

Listener whose registration status shall be tested.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


boolean Event.hasListeners()


Event.addRules(array of Rule rules, function callback)

Registers rules to handle events.

array of Rule rules

Rules to be registered. These do not replace previously registered rules.

function (optional) callback

Called with registered rules.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of Rule rules) {...};
array of Rule rules

Rules that were registered, the optional parameters are filled with values.


Event.getRules(array of string ruleIdentifiers, function callback)

Returns currently registered rules.

array of string (optional) ruleIdentifiers

If an array is passed, only rules with identifiers contained in this array are returned.

function callback

Called with registered rules.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of Rule rules) {...};
array of Rule rules

Rules that were registered, the optional parameters are filled with values.


Event.removeRules(array of string ruleIdentifiers, function callback)

Unregisters currently registered rules.

array of string (optional) ruleIdentifiers

If an array is passed, only rules with identifiers contained in this array are unregistered.

function (optional) callback

Called when rules were unregistered.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


Filters URLs for various criteria. See event filtering. All criteria are case sensitive.
string (optional) hostContains

Matches if the host name of the URL contains a specified string. To test whether a host name component has a prefix 'foo', use hostContains: '.foo'. This matches '' and '', because an implicit dot is added at the beginning of the host name. Similarly, hostContains can be used to match against component suffix ('foo.') and to exactly match against components ('.foo.'). Suffix- and exact-matching for the last components need to be done separately using hostSuffix, because no implicit dot is added at the end of the host name.

string (optional) hostEquals

Matches if the host name of the URL is equal to a specified string.

string (optional) hostPrefix

Matches if the host name of the URL starts with a specified string.

string (optional) hostSuffix

Matches if the host name of the URL ends with a specified string.

string (optional) pathContains

Matches if the path segment of the URL contains a specified string.

string (optional) pathEquals

Matches if the path segment of the URL is equal to a specified string.

string (optional) pathPrefix

Matches if the path segment of the URL starts with a specified string.

string (optional) pathSuffix

Matches if the path segment of the URL ends with a specified string.

string (optional) queryContains

Matches if the query segment of the URL contains a specified string.

string (optional) queryEquals

Matches if the query segment of the URL is equal to a specified string.

string (optional) queryPrefix

Matches if the query segment of the URL starts with a specified string.

string (optional) querySuffix

Matches if the query segment of the URL ends with a specified string.

string (optional) urlContains

Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) contains a specified string. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number.

string (optional) urlEquals

Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) is equal to a specified string. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number.

string (optional) urlMatches

Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) matches a specified regular expression. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number. The regular expressions use the RE2 syntax.

string (optional) originAndPathMatches

Matches if the URL without query segment and fragment identifier matches a specified regular expression. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number. The regular expressions use the RE2 syntax.

string (optional) urlPrefix

Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) starts with a specified string. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number.

string (optional) urlSuffix

Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) ends with a specified string. Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number.

array of string (optional) schemes

Matches if the scheme of the URL is equal to any of the schemes specified in the array.

array of integer or array of integer (optional) ports

Matches if the port of the URL is contained in any of the specified port lists. For example [80, 443, [1000, 1200]] matches all requests on port 80, 443 and in the range 1000-1200.